Meet the Gray Matter Lab team
Lab Director

Teresa Gray
- 2015 Ph.D., Boston University
- 2008 M.A., San Jose State University
- 2000 B.A., University of California at Santa Cruz
Research Interests
Teresa Gray, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is the director of the Gray Matter Lab. Her research interests are focused on exploring the relationship between lexical access and verbal and nonverbal control mechanisms in aphasia and improving the effectiveness of language intervention for bilingual populations with aphasia. Her clinical expertise includes assessing and providing language and executive function treatments for monolingual and bilingual populations with aphasia and traumatic brain injury.
Graduate Students

Sarah Jane Ballerda
- 2025 M.S. Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University - 2011 B.S. Speech Pathology
University of the Philippines Manila
Research Interests
I am a first-year, Tagalog-English bilingual graduate student. I am interested in learning about how the bi- and multi-lingual brain processes language and how we can best support these processes in rehab treatment programs. Currently, I am part of the Tagalog-English translanguaging team. We are delivering a truly bilingual naming treatment intervention, examining its efficacy, and comparing results with more traditional bilingual naming interventions where treatment is delivered in monolingual contexts.

Gemma Balk
- 2026 M.S. Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences San Francisco State University
- 2023 Speech Pathology Essentials Program San Diego State University, Global Campus
- 2022 B.A. in Psychology, Spanish Loyola Marymount University
Research Interests
As a second-language Spanish speaker, comparative language studies and research surrounding bilingualism and translanguaging are of special interest to me. I'm currently administering Spanish English Bilingual Abstract Semantic Associative Network Training (BABSANT) and co-facilitating our Spanish Conversation Club. I'm eager to continue working with individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and promote cultural responsiveness as a non-negotiable part of working in this field.

Avangelina Becker-Floresca
- 2026 M.A. Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - San Francisco State University
- 2023 B.S. Communication Disorder and Sciences - San Jose State University
- 2021 A.A. Liberal Arts - Solano Community College
Research interests:
Being in the field of speech-language pathology has fostered a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between language and identity and how these connections influence everyday life. As I pursue a career as an SLP, my goal is to advocate for accessible care for underserved populations, with a specific interest in supporting individuals affected by traumatic brain injuries and dementia. I currently co-facilitate the lab’s English Conversation Club, which provides adults with aphasia support for their communication skills.

Mirena Joncich
- 2025 M.S Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - California State University San Francisco
- 2021 Post baccalaureate certificate in Speech-Language Pathology - California State University San Marcos
- 2019 B.A Critical Race and Ethnic Studies - University of California at Santa Cruz
Research Interests
I developed a passion for supporting individuals living with aphasia and traumatic brain injuries while volunteering at a local Bay Area stroke and disability center. I have continued this work with the Gray Matter Lab where I co-facilitate the English Conversation Club (ECC). At ECC, we strive to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to practice their communication skills. The most rewarding part of my work has been witnessing the progress participants make in their recovery, the meaningful connections they form, and the growth of community. My research interests include trauma-informed care, disability justice, and cultural competency in speech therapy.

Sophia Eva Medina
- 2025 M.S Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - San Francisco State University
- 2023 B.A Communicative Disorders and Sciences & Minor in Deaf Education - San Jose State University
Research Interests
I’m a second-year Spanish-English bilingual graduate student with a strong interest in how brain injuries affect language processing, especially in bilingual individuals. I’m passionate about finding ways to support these processes in rehabilitation treatment to help people improve their quality of life, participation, and self-expression. Working in the Gray Matter Lab has been such a rewarding experience—I've had the chance to meet incredible individuals who are determined to regain their communication skills. My current role is contributing to the BAbSANT project, where I’ve facilitated treatment and completed diagnostic testing for bilingual and monolingual PWA.

Kiara Mares
- 2025 M.S Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - San Francisco State University
- 2023 B.A. Applied Linguistics with minors in Disability Studies and Education Studies - University of California at Los Angeles
Research Interests
As a bilingual English-Spanish speaker from California's Central Valley, I've always been aware of the health disparities that can result from language barriers and a lack of services available for multilingual populations. I recognize that these can be amplified in the life-changing event of a stroke or brain injury. I hope to combine my interests in pediatrics, neuro, language acquisition and multilingualism to provide services that are adequate, culturally relevant and focused on the patient's overall wellbeing.

Nadia Van Wiggeren
- 2026 M.S. Candidate in Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University - 2023 Post-Baccalaureate Program in Speech-Language Pathology
San Diego State University - 2021 B.A. in Mathematics
Haverford College
Research Interests
As a Spanish-English bilingual, I am passionate about meeting the needs of Spanish-speaking or bilingual adults with aphasia. I chose SLHS because I realized that feeling listened to and understood by others is one of the fundamental emotions of the human experience, and therapy can help remove obstacles that people may have to connecting with others. Through the Gray Matter Lab, I support Spanish-speaking adults with aphasia in multiple ways by working on the AbSANT project and co-facilitating the Spanish Conversation Club.

Camryn Hissen
- 2025 B.S. Candidate; Biology
University of San Francisco
Research Interests
As a student hoping to enter the field of speech, language, and hearing sciences from a background in another field, my involvement with English Conversation Club as part of Gray Matter Lab has provided me with encounters with people who have aphasia and has inspired me to pursue a career in which I provide quality care. My goal is to aid in research that will help treat people who have aphasia because the ability to use language is critical for people to connect with each other and share what matters to them.

Devora Jimenez
- 2024 B.S. Candidate; Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University
Research Interests
I am multi-lingual, and the languages I speak play a significant role in the composition of my identity. Losing one’s language(s) after stroke can be life-changing, as well as identity-changing. I joined Gray Matter Lab because I want to learn how to help bilingual adults with aphasia re-learn language and recover parts of their pre-stroke identities that are tied to language loss.

Martha Vergaray Leon
- 2025 B.S. Candidate; Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University
Research Interests
As a first language Spanish speaker who learned English as a second language, I’m passionate to help others feel heard, validated, and supported. Currently, I co-facilitate the Spanish Conversation Club (SCC). At SCC, we support a safe and inclusive space for individuals with aphasia to practice conversation in their first language, form meaningful connections and establish support systems. Witnessing the positive impact of SCC, I’m looking forward to contributing to the B/AbSANT (Bilingual Abstract Semantic Network Training) project.

Priscilly Medrano
- 2025 B.S. Candidate; Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University
Research interests
I am a Spanish-English bilingual, first generation student who is interested in how we improve communication for individuals with hearing and language impairment. My goal is to work with folks in the BIPOC community to highlight the voices of everyone, which is something that is being done here in the Gray Matter Lab. I deliver a Spanish monolingual version of abstract semantic associative network treatment (AbSANT). We know that AbSANT is effective with monolingual English speakers, and we are extending this treatment to non-English languages.

Mariela Vega Ramirez
- 2024 B.S. Candidate; Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University - 2016 A.S. Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
San Juaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA
Research Interest
As an immigrant from Mexico, and learning English as a second language, I have always translated for my parents and family members. Being able to break the language barrier for communication for my parents has been very rewarding in that they have felt heard and acknowledged in situations where they would’ve otherwise not been. As a bilingual speech language pathologist assistant for 6 years, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible need there is for therapy, materials, and activities that are crafted to meet the needs of bilingual families. My research interests within the Gray Matter Lab is to find the most efficient, evidence-based therapy approaches for bilingual patients.

Arissa Melaine Alfaro Ventura
- 2025 B.S. Candidate in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Francisco State University - 2023 A.A. Liberal Arts - Arts and Letters at De Anza College
Research Interests:
Language and its integral ties to one's identity has always fascinated me. I am drawn to the field of speech and language pathology because the ability to communicate and be understood is a fundamental aspect for existence and participating in a community. In the Gray Matter Lab, I am part of the Tagalog-English translanguaging AbSANT Project. I am a Filipino immigrant and language use and experience is key to my daily interactions. Thus, working on a mixed language project such as translanguaging AbSANT is fulfilling. I know firsthand how translanguaging in therapy has the potential to improve quality of life for Tagalog-English people with aphasia.