Therapy Services
Various therapy services are offered in the Bay Area. See below for a list of locations.

SF State: Gray Matter Lab's Conversation Club
This group meets on Fridays via Zoom. We would love to see you!
The Conversation Club is open to individuals with aphasia or a related neurogenic communication disorder. We discuss current events, hobbies and interests. There is no charge to attend. If you are interested, please contact us! Contact the Gray Matter Lab at

SF State: El Club de Conversación en español
Participe en nuestro Club de Conversación en español para adultos con afasia!
El Club de Conversación da la bienvenida a aquellos con afasia o un trastorno relacionado de la comunicación neurogénica. Hablamos sobre eventos de actualidad, pasatiempos e intereses. Es gratis atender las juntas. Si está interesado, puede contactarnos! Póngase en contacto con "Gray Matter Lab" en

SF State: Gray Matter Lab's Conversation Club for Black adults with aphasia, led by Black student clinicians
This group meets on Fridays via Zoom. We would love to see you!
Join our online conversation club for Black adults with aphasia run by Black student clinicians. Come and improve your communication skills, be supported by peers, and have fun!

SF State: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Clinic
Are you interested in receiving individual or group therapy services? The SF State Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Clinic offers speech and language therapy for individuals with aphasia, TBI, apraxia, and other communication impairments. For more information, see: or contact the clinic directly: phone: (415) 338-1001 or email:

City College of San Francisco
CCSF offers various communication courses for stroke and TBI survivors. For more information contact Joyce Foreman:

The Aphasia Center of Oakland
The Aphasia Center of California provides a variety of services (e.g., conversation groups, book clubs, recreational groups, education and training) that enhance communication and quality of life for individuals with aphasia. For more information, see: or contact the center directly: phone: (510) 336-0112.
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Note: The following PDF is in the process of being made full accessible. If you have difficulty reading the PDFs, please contact Teresa Gray at or (415) 338-1058.